Howley and Grand Lake
It is sometimes much more fun to explore small local areas than to go on great journeys, especially on the last day of one's travels. Today was such a day. The only distance we had to travel was about 45 km from Corner Brook to Deer Lake where we had a B&B booked. As an aside, B&Bs are the way to go in Newfoundland. The people are friendly, the food excellent, and it's much cheaper than hotels and motels. So today we set as our goal, the little town of Howley which is on Grand Lake, the latter a huge long and skinny lake roughly 150 km long. Why Howley you might ask? Well the other option was some very pretty falls in a provincial park, but that would have required travelling on gravel road again which we were loathe to do after our previous Labradorean experience. The other reason is that Howley was the site at which moose were first introduced to Newfoundland. Moose are not indigenous to the island, but were brought here from Nova Scotia, no more than 4 of